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501 Spanish Verbs (Barron’s Foreign Language Guides)

501 Spanish Verbs (Barron’s Foreign Language Guides)

Год выпуска: 2009
Язык: Испанский

Рейтинг по голосованию: 4.33 stars
Проголосовавших: 12
Раздел: Учебники и самоучители
Publisher: Barron’s, 2007
Pages: 736
Format: PDF
Size: 4.49 Mb
Language: English/Spanish

The World’s Best Selling Verb Book-- and with good reason!
Fluency in Spanish starts with knowledge of verbs--and Barron’s 501 Spanish Verbs shows students and travelers exactly how to use the 501 most common and useful Spanish verbs in all 16 tenses and moods. Each verb is alphabetically listed in easy-to-follow chart form, one verb per page with its English translation.
Important added features include--
Formation and usage of Spanish verb tenses and moods summarized as they relate to their English equivalents
The 55 most essential Spanish verbs specially highlighted and supplemented with sample sentences and related words and expressions
Progressive forms of Spanish verbs
Formation of present and past participles
Passive and active voice formations
Principal parts of important Spanish verbs
Sentences demonstrating Spanish verb usage in all tenses with English translations
26 sets of exercises in Spanish verb usage with answers explained
Two-color type for ease of reference
A-to-Z page edges marked in second color for quick reference to verbs
Plus enlightening appendixes that cover--
Defective and impersonal verbs
A guide to Spanish pronunciation
Verbs used in weather expressions
Verbs with prepositions
An index of common irregular Spanish verb forms
English-Spanish verb index
List of more than 2,100 Spanish verbs! Every verb on the list is related to a model verb that’s conjugated in the same way.


   Комментарии: 1
№1, автор: Андрей
2012-12-04 03:12:34

В файле только 12 страниц из 736 с текстом. Перезалейте пожалуйста. Очень хорошая книга.

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