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Spanish - CliffsQuickReviewАвтор(ы): Jill RodriguezИздательство: Cliffs Notes Год выпуска: 2003 Страниц: 532 Формат: PDF Язык: Английский Рейтинг по голосованию: Проголосовавших: 1 Раздел: Учебники и самоучители
Описание: Хороший обобщающе-повторительный курс. Автором рекомендуется как дополнение к другим курсам в классах. CliffsQuickReview course guides cover the essentials of your toughest classes. Get a firm grip on core concepts and key material, and test your newfound knowledge with review questions. CliffsQuickReview Spanish I is meant to provide all the foundations of basic Spanish pronunciation, spelling, and sentence construction. Spanish grammar is systematically explained in its most simplistic way, so there's no need for any prerequisite before beginning this "review" of the equivalent of two years of high school Spanish. As you work your way through this review, you'll be ready to tackle such concepts as Spelling and pronunciation, Nouns, articles, pronouns, verbs, Basic sentence structure, Preterit and imperfect tenses, and prepositions and negatives. CliffsQuickReview Spanish II continues where CliffsQuickReview Spanish I left off andis meant to provide all the foundations of basic Spanish pronunciation, spelling, and sentence construction. Spanish grammar is systematically explained in its most simplistic way; if you've already read CliffsQuickReview Spanish I or if you already have a good foundation in Spanish, this book is an appropriate resource to hone your skills to the equivalent of two years of college-level Spanish. As you work your way through this review, you'll be ready to tackle such concepts as New verb tenses - future tense, conditional tense, compound tenses, and the past participle, Subjunctive Mood I and II, Prepositions and pronouns, Passive voice, conjunctions, and more sentence variations, Past subjunctive and sequence of tenses, Antonyms and synonyms. |