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SpanishPod101 Audio + Videolessons (Beginner)

SpanishPod101 Audio + Videolessons (Beginner)

Год выпуска: 2011
Качество звучания: kbps
Язык: Испанский

Рейтинг по голосованию: 3.71 stars
Проголосовавших: 7
Раздел: Аудиокурсы
Language of course: English, Spanish
Video: MPEG-4, AVC, 640x480 pixels, Bit rate: 459 Kbps
Audio: MP3, 192 Kbps, 2 channels, 44.1 KHz

1.Beginner Season1
In this 40-lesson season, hosts Alan and Lisy will guide you through a beginner course that will teach you proper greetings, how to ask where things are, the future tense, and much much more. You’ll hear Spanish spoken in a variety of situations. That means you will pick up both formal and informal Spanish.

2.Beginner Season2
In this 25-lesson season, Carlos and Natalia will expand upon grammar points learned in Beginner Season 2. This series will cover adverb formation, expressing displeasure and embarrassment, the subjunctive, and much more. Again, you’ll hear Spanish spoken in a variety of situations. That means you will pick up both formal and informal Spanish.

3.Beginner Season3
In these 20-beginner lessons, you’ll follow the daily lives of our cast of characters in a few Spanish speaking countries. Carlos visits the doctor in Costa Rica, Nadia is having computer problems in Peru and Paolo and Andrea try to make reservations in Spain. You will pick up both formal and informal Spanish and of course

4.Beginner Season4
Dylan and Carlos host this 25-lesson beginner season which further builds upon grammar and vocabulary learned in previous Newbie and Beginner series. You will learn simple conditional tenses, more adverb formations, how to use impersonal verbs, and much more. You will pick up both formal and informal Spanish and learn useful cultural tips along the way.

5.Beginner Season5
In this season (25 lessons) of the Beginner series, JP and Fernando (and later Karen and Jessi) will take you on a trip through Latin America. The situations take place all over Latin America, so you’ll hear different dialects of the Spanish language. You’ll hear formal and informal Spanish while also learning the days of the week, interrogative pronouns, how to make suggestions, plus more.

6.Gengo Spanish
Learn conversational Spanish with this Gengo Spanish series! These 30-lessons will teach you basic Spanish grammar, expressions and vocabulary. You will follow our main character Jimmy on his adventures in Mexico. JP and Fernando give clear and easy to understand explanations of the proper usage of Latin American Spanish words and phrases to help you on your next journey to Latin America!


   Комментарии: 6
№1, автор: Elena
2012-08-28 12:08:12

не могу никак скачать...помогите!!!
№2, автор: Администратор
2012-09-01 23:09:47

В чем сложность? на каком шаге вы остановились?
№3, автор: Елена
2012-09-04 11:09:56

на начальном.либо нужно смс,либо не находит данные файлы.я уже зарегистрировалась где-то,а как скачать-не соображу
№4, автор: Администратор
2012-09-05 00:09:31

Попробуйте скачать по инструкции https://hispaforum.ru//kak-skachivat-s-servera-filefactory-com-t100.html
№5, автор: Елена
2012-09-05 09:09:59

это очень медленно,к тому же пыталась 2 аза так загрузить,до конца не загружается,какая-то ошибка происходит,наверное...
№6, автор: Администратор
2012-09-06 01:09:13

Попробуйте скачать с нашего торрент-трекера https://hispaforum.ru//spanishpod101-beginner-t5755.html

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